Not much has improved in the 51st District.
The Chula Vista and National City waterfront remain unchanged. There is so much potential there, and no one is doing anything about it. We can make improvements, create jobs, and boost the economy. There is room for housing, commerce, and recreation.
The Imperial Beach Nature Reserve is still an environmental disaster. Let's clean it up! I don't understand why this has not been fixed yet. All politicians talk about saving the environment for future generations, but nothing is being done.
The Salton Sea in Imperial Valley is also an environmental disaster. Again, the clean up and improvement of the Salton Sea would definitely create jobs, boost the economy, and provide housing, commerce and recreation. It's not that hard.
Another issue I am very passionate about, is the lack of VA in the Imperial Valley. Our veterans from the Imperial Valley have to drive over two hours to seek medical aid and services at the La Jolla VA Medical Center. There is so much funding, but apparently not enough to accommodate our veterans in the Imperial Valley. Our current politicians in charge have no shame...
One more item of innovation, I will push for San Ysidro to have its own "Mayor," with its own City Council. It is the only way we can expedite positive change and make improvements. Think about it...